Top 10 Parenting Hacks Every New Mom Needs to Know

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Hey there mama!

Congratulations on entering this incredible journey called motherhood! As a new mom, you’re likely juggling a million things at once and feeling incredibly overwhelmed. You might be wondering if there’s a secret manual that everyone else seems to have. Well, guess what? You’re not alone, and there’s no need for a manual – just a few handy parenting hacks to make life a tad easier. You’ll get the hang of it this parenting thing in no time with just a few tips:

  1. Master the Art of One-Handed Everything:
    • Get ready to become a multitasking queen! Learn to do tasks with one hand – whether it’s eating, answering the phone, or grabbing that much-needed cup of coffee while cradling your little one. You are going to want a diaper bad you can zip up with one hand- for this I recommend the Fawn design diaper bag. Not only is it stylish, but it’s quick to zip with only one hand! It’s got great storage, and will make you a super organized mama. You can read more on how to pick the right diaper bag for you here.
  2. Create a Diaper Changing Station on Every Floor:
    • If you live in a house with more than one level, save yourself from unnecessary trips up and down the stairs by setting up diaper-changing stations on each floor. Put the diaper station in the room you spend the most time. For us, we had a diaper station in the bedroom because for the first 6 months, the baby slept in our bedroom. You will be spending a lot of time in this area, so it’s worth it to have a dedicated diaper-changing space. Stock them with diapers, wipes, and everything you need to tackle those surprise diaper explosions.
  3. Embrace the Power of White Noise:
    • White noise can be a lifesaver when it comes to soothing your baby to sleep. Whether it’s a dedicated machine or a simple app on your phone, find the magic sound that lulls your little one into dreamland. Learn more about the importance of white noise in this post on how to help your newborn sleep through the night.
  4. Invest in a Diaper Caddy:
    • Keep all your diapering essentials in one portable caddy. This makes late-night diaper changes a breeze – everything you need is right at your fingertips. In my diaper caddy we keep the obvious diapers and wipes, but also butt paste, a spatula to spread the paste, lotions for after bath, and a nose sucker. It’s a great place to store frequently used items and stay organized.
  5. Create a Meal Stash in the Freezer:
    • Cooking might not be at the top of your to-do list right now. Prep and freeze some easy-to-reheat meals in advance. Your future tired self will thank you for having a quick and nutritious meal on hand.
  6. Master the Art of Swaddling:
    • Swaddling is like giving your baby a cozy, secure hug. Practice this art, and you’ll have a better chance of getting longer stretches of sleep – a win-win for both of you. Check out this post for a comprehensive list of the best swaddles for newborns.
  7. Set Up a Nursing Station:
    • Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, create a comfortable nursing station with snacks, water, and entertainment. You’ll spend a good chunk of your day here, so make it your sanctuary. You might consider investing in a comfortable rocker or glider for nursing. I personally enjoyed nursing from the bed. But either way, a must-have for me was the boppy pillow to help with nursing.
  8. Take Advantage of Baby-Wearing:
    • Invest in a good baby carrier or wrap. Not only does it free up your hands, but it’s also a surefire way to calm a fussy baby. Plus, the close contact is heartwarming for both of you. There are many different options for baby-wearing, so check out my comprehensive guide to baby carriers here.
  9. Establish a Bedtime Routine Early On:
    • Start a simple bedtime routine as early as possible. A warm bath, a gentle lullaby, or a bedtime story can signal to your baby that it’s time to wind down, making bedtime smoother for everyone. The recommended bed-time for babies is between seven and eight o’clock.
  10. Don’t Forget Self-Care:
    • Amidst the baby-centric chaos, don’t forget about yourself. Schedule some ‘me time,’ even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Take a shower, sneak in a quick nap, or watch a show you enjoy after your little one is down for the evening. A happy mom translates to a happy baby.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. These hacks are here to make your life a bit more manageable, but what works for some moms may not work for everyone. Trust your instincts and enjoy the beautiful chaos that comes with being a new mom. Remember, you’ve got this mama!

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