10 Essentials for Your Postpartum Care Kit

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Hey there, new mom! Congratulations on the arrival of your bundle of joy! As you embark on this incredible journey of motherhood, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care during the postpartum period. Having the right essentials on hand can make a world of difference in your recovery. Today, let’s dive into the must-haves that will support and comfort you during this transformative time.

  1. Vaginal Care:
    If you had your little baby vaginally, you might be in a world of hurt right now! So here are some essential items for vaginal care.
    • Postpartum Popsicle Pads- Just take a regular pad, add witch hazel, and put it in the freezer! Witch hazel is a natural astringent with soothing properties that can provide relief to your sensitive areas. Combine it with perineal spray for an extra boost of freshness.
    • Peri bottle– to clean and soothe the vaginal area.
    • Cold Packs- offering both numbing and anti-inflammatory effects to ease any discomfort, I love these ones from Frida Momma
  2. Comfortable Nursing Bras:
    • A few well-fitting, comfortable nursing bras can provide the support needed during breastfeeding and can help prevent discomfort. Check out this post for more information on how to choose the perfect nursing bra. My favorite and inexpensive choice for a nursing bra.
  3. Postpartum Belly Band:
    A supportive embrace for your changing body. This specially designed wrap provides abdominal support, helping with posture and promoting muscle recovery. As your body adjusts to the changes after childbirth, this band can be a comfort and aid in the gradual return of your pre-pregnancy shape. Here is an inexpensive option for your postpartum belly band.
  4. Disposable Underwear:
    Just get them. YOU NEED THESE! Trust me, these will become your new best friends. Hospitals often provide them, and for a good reason. They are comfortable, convenient, and perfect for managing postpartum bleeding. Keep a stash at home, my favorite hands down are these disposable underwear by Friday Mom.
  5. Hydration: Sip, Sip, Hooray!
    Staying hydrated is crucial during this time, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Keep a trusty water bottle by your side at all times.
    • Water- be sure you are drinking plenty of water, even if you are drinking other liquids, water is essential.
    • Coconut water is also packed full of electrolytes, and a good choice to stay hydrated.
      Whether you’re nursing or simply navigating the demands of new motherhood, staying hydrated will contribute to your overall well-being.
  6. High Fiber Snacks or Stool Softeners
    Let’s address the not-so-glamorous side of postpartum recovery – digestion. That first bowel movement after delivery is no joke! The constipation is real! High-fiber snacks or stool softeners can be your allies in making bowel movements more comfortable.
    • High fiber snacks include broccoli, blueberries, avocados, oats. You might consider a fiber supplement such as Metamucil.
    • Stool softeners- Miralax or Colace are excellent options to help move things along.
  7. Nipple Cream
    If breastfeeding is part of your postpartum plan, nipple cream is a must-have. Trust me, your nipples will thank you. Opt for a lanolin-based cream to soothe and moisturize sore or cracked nipples. Applying it after each feeding session can make a significant difference in your comfort level, ensuring a smoother breastfeeding experience for both you and your baby.
  8. Postpartum Pillow
    Last but certainly not least, let’s talk about the postpartum pillow. This specially designed pillow provides extra support while sitting or nursing, reducing discomfort in various positions. It’s a versatile companion that can adapt to your changing needs, offering comfort and relief during moments of rest and recovery.

In conclusion, dear new mom, these postpartum essentials are your allies in the beautiful journey of recovery and adjustment to motherhood. Each item serves a purpose, providing comfort, support, and care during this transformative time. Remember, it’s okay to prioritize your well-being – you’re not just a mom; you’re a superhero in the making! Embrace these essentials, take it one day at a time, and savor every precious moment with your little one. You’ve got this!

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